Sunday, May 31, 2009

A collaborative story

Welcome to our Grade 4/5B blog. You can read more about us in the 'About us' page. After completing our exciting Senior Citizen's project we started doing collaborative writing using an online programme. Here is án end result story from one of the groups in the class. The group wrote this story as a circle story. 

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Collaborative writing plans...

Welcome to Mrs. B's combined fourth and fifth grade class from Cape Town in South Africa.

Our Senior Citizens project has brought us so many wonderful collaborative opportunities with classes around the world. Miss Ale from Argentina brought to my attention an amazing programme called Etherpad ( and we have used it to write collaborative stories in class, in groups of three or four. We are hoping to write collaborative stories with Mr Millward's class in Canada and Miss Ale's class in Argentina.