Recently I was invited to be a judge in the Microsoft Partners in Learning Competition for Africa. I regarded it as a huge privilege and I learned so much from all the amazing entries which came from all parts of Africa. Those entering had to submit a lesson or project using one or more of the following programmes:
Windows Movie Maker
World-wide telescope
Photostory 3
These are all free programmes from Microsoft. Naturally I had to delve into all the programmes to see their potential, and wow, they are all fantastic.
The entries were really good and the final winner was a team of two High School teachers from Durban Girls College in Kwazulu-Natal, an English teacher and a History teacher. They combined two learning areas and set a project on Apartheid Laws. The girls had to present their projects as a video using Windows Movie Maker. The sample was amazing. As a result of this entry, the two teachers won a trip to the Pan African Microsoft Innovative Teacher Finals which will take place in one of the African countries later this year.
I'll try to put this to good use immeaidtely.