Friday, May 6, 2011

A judge in the Partners in Learning (Africa) competition

Recently I was invited to be a judge in the Microsoft Partners in Learning Competition for Africa. I regarded it as a huge privilege and I learned so much from all the amazing entries which came from all parts of Africa. Those entering had to submit a lesson or project using one or more of the following programmes:
Windows Movie Maker
World-wide telescope
Photostory 3

These are all free programmes from Microsoft. Naturally I had to delve into all the programmes to see their potential, and wow, they are all fantastic.

The entries were really good and the final winner was a team of two High School teachers from Durban Girls College in Kwazulu-Natal, an English teacher and a History teacher. They combined two learning areas and set a project on Apartheid Laws. The girls had to present their projects as a video using Windows Movie Maker. The sample was amazing. As a result of this entry, the two teachers won a trip to the Pan African Microsoft Innovative Teacher Finals which will take place in one of the African countries later this year.

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