Friday, May 6, 2011

Talking pets

talking pet1
I love it when I do something in computer lessons and the students absolutely love it. This happened today! We went to and the students selected a pet of their choice, added accessories and backgrounds, and created a message for the pet to verbalise. They chose a voice to express the message. The programme did the rest of the animations. I did this lesson as a prelude for a more complicated mammal project. In the mammal project the students will research a mammal of their choice, and create a page of information about the mammal. They will then use use to make their mammal talk (with the students' own voices) and tell us about itself. The students will create their own animations in the programme.

Here are a few samples from the Talking Pets lesson today.





1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love your talking pets! What a fantastic idea. I am really looking forward to showing my grade 3/4 students your work and watching them have a go.
    Your blog is very inspiring. We are at the very beginning of our blogging journey. We'd really appreciate it if you managed to visit our blog and comment on our efforts.
    Congratulations on all your hard work.
    Mrs. Rutherford and Grade 3/4 at St. Kevin's, Templestowe (Melbourne, Australia).
