Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Storybird #6: Tips for writing original stories

Storybird is my favourite free story writing application on the web. I use it with my classes all the time, and I love all its tips. This is a great post from the Storybird blog in 2015 on how to write original stories -  I am going to add their ideas here, straight from the blog. Every time I get my classes to write stories I will show them this post.


7 tips for writing original stories

"There’s that old saying that claims there are only seven plot lines in the whole world. 

"Below are 7 tips to use when you’re not sure where to begin.
"1. Look at the world around you, and ask “what if” about things we take for granted. What if the sky was red? What if your little brother was actually an alien? What if you found a million dollars?

2. Browse through the artwork on Storybird until a picture jumps out at you and makes you wonder, what’s happening here? Who are these people? Where are they, and how did they get there? What are they going to do next?
3. Start with a character who seems interesting to you. Maybe it is a character who has your same habits or fears or strengths and uses them in meaningful ways. Or maybe it is a character who is nothing like you, and that’s what makes them interesting to write about. How they would approach different situations?
4. Pick a genre, or type of storytelling. Do you like history? Then write about a time or place as it used to be. Do you like fantasy? Then start by thinking about how a world would work if it had different rules than ours, and fill it up with magic or supernatural creatures. Do you like romance? Then take two characters and put a lot of obstacles between them so the way they get together becomes a tale.
5. Ask your friends or family what they like to read, and write a story just for them! (Hint: this is a great Mother’s Day/Father’s Day gift idea.)
6. Solve a mystery. Which one of these characters is hiding a secret? Who is watching whom?
7. Remember those seven plots we mentioned at the beginning of this post? Use them to your advantage. Match a piece of artwork on Storybird with one of the storylines below, and take it for a spin!
- Overcoming the Monster
- Rags to Riches
- The Quest
- Voyage and Return
- Comedy
- Tragedy
- Rebirth"
Some great ideas from Storybird! If you haven't joined your class to Storybird go to  and do so today!

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