Sunday, August 14, 2016

A great way to easily download videos from YouTube...

In South Africa the Internet can be a real problem in the classroom at times. You want to show a Youtube video clip to your classes as an introduction to a lesson,  but when you click on it the video buffers and buffers! Ever experienced that? So the best thing to do in my opinion is to download the video. That poses the question: ‘How do you download a video from YouTube quickly and easily?’ There are several ways one can do this. One way is to use

This is what I discovered when trying to download a YouTube video using Windows 10.

1.  Remove the http://www. details from the YouTube URL
Find the video that you want to download. Replace the initial part of the YouTube URL, http://www. (including the full stop) with ss  (For example: becomes:

2. Download the video
This will take you to  a page on .. You’ll be asked if you would like to install the program (I did). By the way beware of other enticing video downloaders advertised on that page. Just stick to the green download button next to the image of your video.

3. Check the video on your device
It works!

4. The download button appears under online videosBest is that the green download button now appears under all YouTube videos AND on Vimeo videos I have discovered! From this point onwards you don't have to do the 'ss' thing or anything else. All you have to do is press the green download button and the video downloads. Awesome right? 

Try this process especially if you are a teacher.

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