Saturday, August 27, 2016

Hyperdoc poetry lesson: If I were in charge of the world

I came across this lovely lesson idea on Laura Chandler's wonderful poetry page: : At the bottom of the page she has a section called:

Poetry Multimedia Project - If I Were In Charge of the World
"Idea submitted by Radene Girola
Last year one of my newsletter subscribers described a wonderful multimedia project she does with her students. She uses PhotoStory 3 which can be downloaded for free from Microsoft, but other multimedia programs would work as well. Radene has her students take the poem "If I Were in Charge of the World" by Judith Viorst and asks them to rewrite it in their own words and create a PhotoStory. She sent me a sample PhotoStory she created for her students, and I have her permission to post it online. Please be aware that this file requires Windows Media Player, and if you have a Mac you might not be able to view the file. (Download the free VLC player from and that should allow you to view it.) She also sent me her lesson overview. I have omitted the original poem by Judith Viorst due to copyright concerns, but you can order the book from or look for it in your library. Take a look at Radene's sample PhotoStory and prepare to be inspired! This would make a great end-of-the-year project! If you have questions about this activity, feel free to contact Radene at"

I felt this would make a perfect lesson for my Grade 6 class and I decided to create a Hyperdoc lesson.
Reusing an already created Hyperdoc
I found a suitable Hyperdoc that someone had already created called "If I were President" which I copied into my own Google Drive. . I then changed it:

The original Hyperdoc:

My changed Hyperdoc:

I was really thrilled with the poems my students created. They used images and their own voice with created music. 

Example 1:

Example 2:

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