Thursday, September 17, 2009

Grade 4&5B shows care to the community

Grade 4&5B donated some of their individual earnings from KTV Market Day to the Sunflower Fund, and handed over their money gift in the classroom today. The representatives from the fund explained about the work of the Sunflower Fund and handed out bandanas to the class in preparation for Bandana Day. “The Sunflower Fund aims to educate and recruit a viable source of well-informed potential bone marrow stem cell donors who are ethnically diverse, in an effort to save the lives of those needing a transplant when suffering from life-threatening blood disorders.” (Taken from their website)

1 comment:

  1. Hello Ms Fiona Beal!

    I can see you have done amazing work with your students and I really love all the photos, too! I also wanted to thank you so much for commenting on the blog my CPE students' maintain and for helping them reflect on the kind of personal information they need to include. I assure you they willingly followed your advice! What is more, here are some collections of links to some very interesting posts this class has published, so as for you to form a more general impression of their blog, not only based on the initial videos, but also on some samples of their writing:

    About books they have read (look at the bottom of the post):

    About their holidays in different parts of Greece:

    To return to your students, the variety of activities they have been involved in is impressive and so is the way you urge them to collaborate with people from all parts of the world. Inspired teachers, even more inspired students; that is the way the classroom works, as I see it.

    Best wishes from Crete, Greece

    Christina Markoulaki
