Monday, June 22, 2009

A collaborative story between two countries

I have found another free online programme that converts PowerPoints to flash and embeds them in blogs. I am curious to see if this programe opens faster than Empressr. We have been writing collaborative stories in groups in class using an online programme called Etherpad, and then putting them in our blogs using online free programmes. We wrote Part 1 in a circle group and Miss Ale's class in Argentina wrote Part 2 in a circle group.

Here is the full story "Princess Laura of Napolia" written with Miss Ale's class. (Don't forget to click on the full screen button on the bottom right.)


  1. Hello Fiona!
    I am Martu, from Argentina, I am one of Miss Ale's pupils!
    I am very impressed with the story you have wrote, from
    South African to Argentine kids... I can tell that in Africa
    you have a great imagination, and you are very descriptive...
    I woul love to have all my storys as good as the one's I have
    read from your children!
    Well I hope we keep on using technology to do projects between

  2. Noihtng I could say would give you undue credit for this story.
