Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Microsoft Partners in Learning Institute #4: What is a TeachMeet?

Our third pre-assignment has been to find out about and prepare for a TeachMeet. When I was preparing for a 'PD in your PJs' talk recently I came upon this concept of TeachMeets and EdCamps which are apparently taking off in the USA, and now I will be involved in one! It is an explosive way of sharing integration-with-Technology practices, teachers teaching teachers about ideas that have worked for them. In Britain it often happens from - 7 informally in a pub! The time is set - ours is to be 3 minutes and we will be presenting these ideas to the 100 United States innovative Teacher competition finalists in Redmond. (The finals takes place while we are in Redmond).

Here is the video we have been asked to view before we gt to Redmond:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mrs Beal,
    I am a student in Melbourne Australia and i go to the school St. Damian's Bundoora. I watched your movie about ''what is a teachmeet'' and it is very interesting.
    Your blog is very creative and i enjoy looking at your blog.
