Sunday, July 8, 2018

Hyperdocs #3: How did Hyperdocs start?

In this post we meet the creators of Hyperdocs. Three USA teachers Lisa Highfill, Kelly Hilton, and Sarah Landis coined the term “HyperDoc” to describe what they were experimenting with in their classrooms. This idea spread like wildfire. In 2016, they published The HyperDoc Handbook to teach others their method for creating these lessons. Follow them on Twitter:
Lisa Highfill: @lhughfill
Kelly Hilton: @kellyihilton
Sarah Landis @sarahlandis

Their book explains how HyperDocs work, why they have such an impact on instruction, and their model for how teachers can design HyperDocs for high-quality instruction.

They also have a website with many free templates and ideas for creating Hyperdocs. Visit it Hyperdocs website:
The three Hyperdoc Girls have also created a website called Teachers Give Teachers

View the following YouTube video and meet the three 'Hyperdocs Girls' Lisa Highfill, Sarah Landis and Kelly Hilton as they join Ditch that Textbook to discuss Hyperdocs -- what they are, how they can be created and how to make them the best for your students!

In our next post we'll look at the Apps in GSuite that we can use for creating Hyperdocs. "Hyperdocs #4: Which GSuite apps can I use to create Hyperdocs?"

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